Brooke Finegold
“the poetic voice of our generation…
a definite one to watch”
-Broadway Baby
Brooke Finegold is a Brooklyn based comedian, poet, and collage artist. She hosts the poetry salon Poetry is Gay (PIG), and acts as Editor-in-Chief to PIG Zine. She has had her essays and poetry published in Defunct Mag, Pinky Mag, Splashland, Hot People Read Poetry, and more. She busks with her typewriter doing poetry in Washington Square Park and at various events.
Her first issue of Poetry is Gay The Zine is now available for purchase.
Poetry is Gay the Zine issue 1
Poetry is Gay is a queer poetry community based in Bushwick. The zine includes poetry from 27 contributors, the live collaborative typewritten poems from every PIG and PIG Recital as well as poetry prompts from 17 PIGs. Also including original photography, poetry and art from various contributors as well as Brooke Finegold's original work.